Internal Tool For IT Team

On the Verona, WI campus, Epic employs over 10,000 people in over 30 different buildings. As a member of the Computer and Techonology Services team, my colleagues and I spend a good portion of time traversing the campus and making computer equipment deliveries. With each building having 150+ offices, navigating can be extremely time consuming.

Epic’s internal website currently has a map system, but for our use case it's very limited as it only allows you to search one office at a time. My team does deliveries for upwards of 20 people at once, so it is a huge hassle to search for each office individually.

To speed things up, I fully developed an internal tool that allows for input of any number of offices. It ouputs an interactive webpage with highlighted rooms on floor plan maps.


Features and Improvements

When I first created this tool, it was very basic and lacked functionality. It would only work by taking input from a seperate internal webpage, and would display a hardly readable list of map images. Over the timeline of this project, I continued to scale the application to make it more user-friendly.



UI Rework

Because the original map components relied on existing PNG files, they were very hard to read; especially when using a 14" laptop screen. I refactored hundreds of lines of code to create polygons for each room object. This allowed me to add individual, readable labels and color-coding based on room type.


The main drawback to using this map system was that it was not very interactive, and it did not allow the user to see office occupant information. I implemented hovercards so the user could view the occupant's name, team, role, tenure, calendar, and whether or not they were in the office. Additionally, I included quick links to the occupant's devices and profile within our internal site, along with easy methods of contact.

Custom Input

Most deliveries were done based off a seperate internal tool, but a lot were done based off of arbitrary office lists. I added a feature to allow for custom input based on a user-entered list of offices. It also accounted for errors such as misformatting and building abbrevations.


Implemented a check-off feature to make floor deliveries more efficient. Clicking on an office on the map would grey it out, allowing easy tracking of visited offices. Once all offices were visited, the entire map would be greyed out.

Printer-Friendly Maps

Some of my colleagues prefer to leave their laptop behind during deliveries, as it takes up too much space. Added a "Print Maps" button for easy printing which would reformat the webpage for better readability on paper.


With different employees working on different sized screens utilizing different workflows (full-screen view vs. split-screen), I added zoom controls. This way, you could easily zoom in closer on a map, or view multiple maps at a time.